Skills developed with HTML5 and CSS3
Exploration of HTML and CSS; the basics of how to create and style an HTML document using CSS.
Structuring content in a web document; learned the most basic way to structure a web document.
Getting started with CSS; in this project the basics of a css styles sheet were learnd on how to be implemented to the basic structure of the previous unit.
Unit C Challenge; this document was a challenge to previous learned skills with a few new style rules.
Laying out elements with CSS; in this unit styling and structure was used to create an "About Us" page for a model bed & breakfast.
Continued Unit D; a different test page with the same styling and structure of the unit before.
Adding sematic elements; this unit focused on adding new HTML5 elements to structure and style a model news article page.
This project is similar to the funcution of Unit DCB but uses a different model website, styling, and structure .
Formatting text with CSS; using the same model bed & breakfast, specific text was formated in a bold and large lettering.
Inserting and working with links; with the same model selected parts of text were coded to be linked to a different site and added into a working menu bar.
Inserting and working with images; images were coded to the same model website and more linked sites in the menu bar were added.
Organizing content with lists and tables; in this unit a model reservation form was used to learn how to code frames on to added images and organized tables.
Implementing responsive design; using a model room page, buttons were coded so that the user could go back to the top of the page.
Independently, a challenge to code in a table modeling work hours of an examplary garden site.
Creating and processing web forms; coded a working contact and reservations form.
A coded model website.